Secondary Disappearances

This blog is part of an individual directed study course exploring how many humans in the Global North seem to have lost our social connection to nature. In an age of increasing urbanization, humans in the Global North increasingly live our lives mediated through technology, which has created a disconnect with our natural environments.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Pop Surrealism: The rise of undeground art. Kristen Anderson ed.

I LOVE this book. I also love the possibilites it shows for subverting popular culture - using popular cultural images in strange and unusual ways. I think this is exactly what Neil Everenden is talking about when he discusses the power of art to change the way that people see the world.

I had seen this book a year or so ago in a Chapters, and liked it but didn't want to spend the money to buy it. However, as I have been thinking more and more about art in relation to this course I have repeatedly thought about the book - so I decided to get it and see if it was as relevant as I remembered it to be. I really think it is.

I hope that I can use the inspiration of this book for the style, and the inspiration of the theory I have been reading from some of the authors to compose my final project for this class. I am excited about the idea. I have some images in mind - I'm just worried about my ability to translate what I see in my head to paper. Wish me luck!


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